The Anti-Geek Poster Child

 I’m one of those baby boomers who was thrust into the whole internet/computer age kicking and screaming.  I’ve since adjusted.  I’m hardly an expert but I have learned (and am learning) a thing or two.  I feel like the anti-geek poster child, “If I can do it, anybody can.”  Although I find working with technology extremely frustrating at times, it’s very rewarding.  Even though I get humbled on a regular basis, I also feel a great sense of accomplishment when I get something right. 

In learning to cope with the internet/computer- age, I’ve followed the advice of my dad who would say, “If all else fails, lower your expectations.”  When I’m having a particularly difficult time trying to understand some new aspect of technology, I sometimes have to lower my expectations, realizing that this is a process not a destination.  While learning to build web pages, blogs, and social networking sites, (even word processing) etc., I try to measure my success in terms of how far I’ve come instead of the distance I have yet to travel to get to where I want to be.   When I think about it, I’m quite proud of how far I’ve come.  Two months ago, I didn’t even know what a blog was.  Since then I’ve created this blog and I’ve built a website I’m very proud of (

If you can relate to anything I’ve said, hang in there.  If you have progressed beyond where I am, you have my upmost admiration.  Regardless, I hope you have another day in paradise.

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If All Else Fails, Lower Your Expectations!

Happy Friday!  I live in Salt Lake City.  This year we had a lot of snow on the valley floors as well as in the mountains but the last few days, and today especially, have been beautiful.  The temperatures were in the mid-fifties which is a heat wave compared to what it has been.  Our last major snow storm was three weeks ago.  I shoveled over 18 inches of snow off my driveway.  I remember thinking as I was shoveling snow into a huge pile next to my driveway, “This mound of snow will never go away.”  As I got in my car today, I noticed the six foot snow pile next to may drive-way was completely gone.

I think there is a lesson here.  With today’s rising gas prices, the threat of recession around the corner, and just the normal day-to-day stuff that happens, my “struggles pile” is getting higher and higher.   It seems so high at times that it might not ever melt away.  Just like the pile of snow in my driveway, this too will one day disappear.  So, when I despair about my at home business (or life in general), and worry that nothing will ever work out, I have to remember the snow pile next to my driveway and realize that, “This too will pass.”  Until then, I will remember the advice of my dad who said, “If all else fails, lower your expectations.”  I know things will eventually work out, they always do.

Until next time, may your “struggles pile” be small and may you have another day in paradise.


Don’t forget to check out my web site,  Be sure to also check out these blogs that will be a great help in your home based business: and

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Just Another Day in Paradise!


 Welcome to the life and times of Sheldon Worthington.  I’m a retired high school principal and public educator of 29 years and I still haven’t figured out what I want to be when I grow up.  That’s why I enjoy my at home business so much.  I’m able to work at my personal interests and make money at the same time.   What a concept!  

People often ask me how I’m doing and I answer by saying, “I’m just having another day in paradise.”  To be able to work at home and network with so many wonderful people really is a type of paradise to me.I’ve been working with direct marketing for over 10 years.  I’ve focused my energies on lead generation and tools for creating self duplication. 

Besides being an educator and direct marketer, I’m also an actor, having been in numerous local commercials, training films, and a couple of major motion pictures (Dumb and Dumber, ConAir, and The Yankles).  I recently remarried so you could say I’m “newly-wed and nearly dead.”  My wife’s name is Lynda.  Between us we have 10 kids and 19 grandchildren.  (It appears we are both contraceptive challenged.)

I hope you enjoy this Online Marketing Bulletin/Blog.  My intent is to share personal experiences and information that will enhance your at home business knowledge as you perfect your marketing niche. What is a niche and why do you need one?  A niche is a distinct segment of a particular market and you need to identify a market niche to capture potential customers who are looking for your product or service.  The key to mastering your niche in the online jobs market is to match the right online business with the right marketing system tools.  With the right business and marketing tools, you can rapidly optimize your income, effort, and time regardless of your experience level.   You can read more about finding your market niche by visiting my website

I look forward to sharing ideas with you as well as learning from your wealth of experience and knowledge.  This is my first experience at writing a blog so I appreciate your patience.  My rancher/farmer dad used to say, “You can’t plow new ground without hitting a few rocks.”  I know I will hit a few rocks along the way but I’m excited about the possibilities. Thank you for reading my first posting and —  I hope you have just another day in paradise.     
